Our RAD new road map/a fun story about my days of paper maps and getting lost in Goleta

Dear all,
We have a new road map!

Make sure to read to the end because it is so rad! But first, a fun story about maps.

When I was in college at UC Davis, I worked at the old Woody's BBQ in Goleta during the summers when I was home. I went to grammar school with the Dean family who owned it at the time.

It was a fun summer job. Easy really. Except for one thing. A part of the job was delivering food to customer's homes throughout Goleta. An area of town I was very unfamiliar with. It was before smart phone life and I would have to use a good old fashioned paper map to make my delivery routes. I am embarrassed to say it, but most of the time, I would get lost. I usually ended up calling my mom from my Nokia phone, fighting back tears, asking her to help me find my way. She would calm me down and guide me get back to my map, always getting me where I needed to be. We still joke about how terrible I was at deliveries and how directionally challenged I still am. The other day unprovoked she said "Thank God you have Google Maps!" So it's still a thing around here.

Fast forward to current times, and there is a new map in our lives.

In late 2021 we were given a "construction road map" by a mentor of ours. It was a little bit old school and visually not something we totally loved, but the road map concept excited and inspired us. It laid out so beautifully the design and construction process in an easy to follow map.

We sat with this road map for a long time. We created a shared excel spreadsheet for the team where we all collaboratively would give input on the map's steps. Since then we have made countless revisions and have worked on perfecting it to be in alignment with our unique process. With the help of many talented people, by gosh, we did it. We have literally made a map of our own, and it is RAD! We are all proud map parents. Who knew this was even a thing?

This document is so incredibly helpful to everyone on our team. It makes our process clear as day, and predicable. But most importantly, it's especially helpful to our clients who can see very easily what to expect when working with us.

We are so passionate about our road map in fact, that we decided to share it with everyone.

As a construction company, we are constantly trying to raise the bar for an industry that is notorious for being, stubborn, rigid, cloudy, mysterious and frustrating to deal with. We think this road map is worth a newsletter of its own and we hope you enjoy it.

If you are considering hiring a contractor please know that we are here to nail your project and make it as easy on you as possible.

Thank you so much for reading this we really appreciate you and please forward to anyone you think this might be helpful to.



The Building Together Program, how we give back to the community.


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