Our history with Valentine's day, who does our Instagram, project highlight and more!

Dear All,

Kellow, it's us at Kellow Construction!  Fun way to say hello when your last name is Kellow.

By now, Valentine's Day has come and gone.  It was lovely.  What makes life more worth living than love?  For me, there is nothing that even comes close.  I am not a biblical scholar, and I will admit that I don't really know anything about the technical history of this day, but I can share about my family's history with it.

My great grandfather, Valentine Felger, grew up in Santa Barbara.  He was born on Valentine's Day, and had the name to prove it.  My Grandmother Wanda, who also grew up in Santa Barbara, made sure that Valentines days were spent at the Santa Barbara Cemetery, aka "The Best Last Place." honoring the people of our past.

My family would all get sandwiches at the Italian Market, now called Nonna's I believe(?), and bring flowers to all our relatives at the Santa Barbara Cemetery each Valentine's Day.  It was kind of like a goth Valentine's Day picnic.  In my opinion spending Valentine's Day at the cemetary is very cool, very Adam's Family.  I am happy that this was our tradition.  You can still find me there on 2/14.  For some reason it makes me think of this song.  Cue the music now.

Now for instagram:  I've had a few people (my friends), ask me about our Instagram, so I wanted to clarify who is behind the the KC IG these days.  Kiel does the stories and messaging.  I take photos and come up with post ideas for posts and send them to Camilla to execute.  Camilla is the closing pitcher for the posts because I really don't like to be on Instagram.  Instagram is a necessary part of the biz these days, so this is my way of participating without having to be bombarded with the things I can't stand about the platform.  Not that you care, but I've had enough people ask, that I thought I'd explain. Thank you to Camilla and Kiel for shielding me from social media!  Next up below is a project highlight check it out!

Project highlight: Upper Eastside ADU

In this newsletter we are highlighting an ADU we did on the Upper Eastside in a very grand, very beautiful very old home.  It just so happens that I grew up spending time in this home, and I call it "Ralph Lauren's" house because it actually looks like Ralph Lauren would live there.  In Santa Barbara ADU's are a great way to create passive income and increase property value.  Our client had it rented before we even finished the work so vacancy was kept as low as possible and things were smooth and ready for occupancy when the time came.

Working with clients on investment property is typically more budget driven (although not always).  Finishes and design choices are made accordingly.  I personally love investment property and ADU's because it's often dollars and cents and can be really cut and dry when it comes to decision making.  There are a lot of benefits and incentives right now to build ADU's in California so please reach out if you are considering this.  We can handle the entire process, including your plans, permits the whole enchilada from start to finish.  



Our RAD new road map/a fun story about my days of paper maps and getting lost in Goleta


A story of past rains, the gift of trust, why it can be so hard, why we don't take it for granted, & we are looking for you, where are you?