Color palettes and thoughts on thinking outside the box in design and life!

Hello again from Kellow Construction,

I have been driving around town and noticing a really homogenous color aesthetic for the new projects I see being built. It usually goes like this:
White paint, black trim, olive trees.

I am not saying this this is a good or bad thing. I just wanted to talk about it a bit. Things go in phases, this is normal, but it interests me and inspired this piece.

It reminds me of when I was quite young and looking for a place to rent in Portland. I went to this really nice family from India's home who had a little apartment in the back of their house on Belmont they were renting out. It was painted bright blue with bright orange trim and bright pink accents. It was shocking and wild. I asked the owners how they picked the colors they decided to paint their house. They told me in India everything is colorful and bright and that they were amazed at how bland the palettes of this country were. For some reason this experience really affected me and how I looked at pallets for the rest of my life. Going forward I always asked myself, where is the fun, where is the wild where is the bold in our architecture? Do we have to conform?

My friend Shannon Baird, who is a designer and expert color consultant in Portland, Oregon is also an inspiration to me (for many reasons!). She works in her home town and takes her contributions to the aesthetics she puts out into the world very seriously. She did the color consult for these unique tiny homes in North Portland, the neighborhood where I lived for the majority of my years there. I loved how outside the box her selections were. Every time I would walk by them I somehow felt a little bit more free.

We all have different thresholds and for some people, painting houses sellable safe palettes is the right move. Kellow Construction supports this too. We know all the palettes that are hot and sell quick if resale or ROI is in mind. This is the reality of the world we live in, we know how to play the game.

For me, I just don't want to live in a world where everything looks the same.

I wanted to remind us all that we have choices, and we can step out and have fun and take breaks, big or small, from the norm.

Thank you for your continued support of our company. Visit our website if you'd like to learn more about us. Please keep us in mind for any projects or referrals you might be able to send our way!

The Kellow Construction Team

PS: Thank you to Camilla for who is our Instagram Angel. Please follow our adventures on IG here.


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