Why We’re Remodeling… But Not in the Way You Think🧗🧘🧨

Dear all,

Kellow Construction is cruising into the 4th quarter of the 2024 game looking pretty good, which feels nice. Our projects are humming, and our clients are happy!

Right now, we are in the midst of a major remodel ourselves as we overhaul our accounting and job costing setup and workflows. Since we are remodeling, it seemed like a nice idea to give you an update in our own form of a remodel journey. Like a painting in a painting, the remodeler is remodeling!

Our bookkeeping overhaul that we began last month has given me a new level of compassion for our clients who have their lives upended to make their homes work better for them. It feels like we’re dealing with something similar around a key component of our company: our accounting setup.

Internally, we have made a huge move, taking ourselves off QuickBooks Desktop and moving to QuickBooks Online. This move was inspired by recently signing up with JobTread.  JobTread is a game changer for us, and we’re pretty excited about it. We looked into a few other options but decided that JobTread was the best fit.

When it came time to integrate our JobTread software with QuickBooks Desktop, it was complicated, clunky, and desktoppy. We looked at each other and said, "Why are we still fighting this fight?" Our credit card at a major bank doesn’t even sync with Desktop anymore. Desktop is over; Intuit puts no money or investment into this platform and actively tries to make it challenging to work in because they want everyone online. I guess it’ll be a few years before it's officially sunset, but let’s face it: the software is a dinosaur. While it does have some cool job costing functionalities (and respect to the die-hard desktop people), it’s not for us. Doing a journal entry at every payroll when our payroll software will seamlessly integrate with QBO is just plain stubborn and stupid. We’re done. Free at last.

Last week was the point for us in our accounting remodel where things felt out of control. When things feel out of control to me, I get pretty uncomfortable. I, just like some of you reading this, struggle with trust issues. Trusting others to step up and deliver is tough for me. I’m more the type to do things myself. I’m working on this, but it’s a slow process and something I’ll likely deal with in some way, shape, or form my whole life journey.

It is with great joy that I can share with you that the individuals we’ve selected to help execute our vision are handling things so well, with such great attitudes and deep knowledge of accounting, specifically construction accounting. It feels oh so good to have such great help. It’s times like this that I feel grateful and want to express that gratitude because, as we all know, sometimes we get let down, and it feels like junk.

Today, I am reveling in having expectations met and being properly supported by intelligent, honest people who really know what the heck they are doing. This is exactly the kind of feedback we get from our clients - being supported by people who know their stuff and deliver on expectations feels great, and stands out in this wild world. It seems long overdue to experience this myself in the accounting space. So hallelujah. I will let myself celebrate this moment and feel happy because it’s this type of stuff that makes life worth living. There’s so much to focus on that’s negative, why not shine a light on the good?

Also, thank you to those who have been referring potential projects our way. We love your referrals, so keep them coming! If you or anyone you know might be a good client candidate for our team, please send them our way. I’m linking below to a few items that might help you and your people better understand how we work and our unique approach to remodeling that sets us apart from the rest:

What is a Design Build Company?
Our Values
Our Process

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please keep us top of mind for any remodeling projects you have on the horizon. All of us at Kellow Construction are here, loving what we do, and ready to serve!

Emily Kellow
Blogger, Office Manager, Software Overhauler, Trust Journeyer


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