Flowing into the next phase , thoughts on SB fall, recycling plastics at Ablitt's, and more

Hello from Kellow Construction,

I lived in Oregon for 12 years, I moved there when I was 21 and turned 22 that late January right after I moving there in December. I remember it being very cold. I tell my friends, and our family up there that I swear we have seasons in Santa Barbara. I feel like everyone kind of rolls their eyes a bit... But I do swear, we have seasons here! If you know it, then you know, it's not even subtle. It's just different than a text book fall that you get in other climates.

My experience of fall In Santa Barbara is this:

I feel the wind cool. The days start to get shorter. It's darker in the morning, slowly, and then all of sudden, the morning is totally different than it was. The mountains get more pink at sunset. The tides change. The marine layer gets thicker especially downtown. Because of this the ground is more wet in the morning too. My car is usually covered in dew drops. My dad used to windshield wipe my windows before I left for school in the cooler months. I think about how nice it would be if he were here to do things like this.

The temp drops, and people kind of get ready to flow into the winter. We do have a fall, and it is my belief that the longer someone lives here, the more deep they can go into noticing the seasonal changes. It is really a special time of year, and very cliche, but I do think I am ready to say it. Fall is my favorite season in Santa Barbara.

Construction in Santa Barbara is a lot more mellow to handle in the fall and winter. Kiel doesn't come home covered from head to toe in mud and rain any more. The field team can wear light clothes, and we don't have to budget for rain cover, and gravel pours to avoid mud (most of the time) in our projects during the rainy seasons. Lots of perks to living in Santa Barbara, but also so much that I miss about the Oregon fall.

As we gear up for the end of the year, and then the start of a new, we are shifting our focus to being proactive about meeting our 2023 goals. At the top of this goal list is how we can give back to the community and be a great neighbor. Needless to say we have lots on the horizon. Stay tuned for what we have coming down the pipeline in 2023.

Also speaking of community, Ablitt's is hosting two recycling opportunities for plastic collection. I wanted to share this info with our readers as well, how VERY cool of them. So read on below if you are interested. I am going to drop you off here.

Thank you so much for reading. Please keep us top of mind for any referrals and projects you or your people have on the horizon!

The Kellow Construction Team

Hello fellow Planet Protectors!
2 chances to recycle your type 2 and 4 film plastic this week!
Two events this week - just click the button below to sign up:-)

If you are considering attending . . . Please do! Because we are expecting a pickup Wednesday. Let's fill the truck.

With over 1,300 members, this program has outgrown Ablitt's Fine Cleaners! Ablitt's will continue to be the middle man between you, the planet protector, and Trex (who uses our collected plastic). Ablitt's will continue to provide the email / internet costs including providing a link to sign up for this email (https://ablitts.com/film-plastic-recycling/) for new planet protectors, and using their property for collection and storing the material to be recycled.

Because this is a volunteer community event and not an Ablitt's business, contacting Ablitt's directly may delay your questions being answered and you may not get the most up to date information! This community recycling program is too large for Ablitt's to manage. . . . AMAZING! Thank you for being a Planet Protector! :-)

This weeks events: Tuesday between 2 and 3 pm OR Saturday between 10:30 and 11:30 am. Please click the link below because we want to know to expect you!

RSVP to 10/22/22 event here

When you click the button you will be sent to a google form, If you fill out the form, we will see you at the event! If the event is full, you will not be able to sign up so try the next event (button). There is no confirmation.

1. Click the link above if you plan to attend and fill out our short form because we want to be ready for you! When the event is full, the form will close down and we ask that you wait for the next invite:-)

2. You can show up any time DURING the event

3. Allow at least 15 minutes at the event and be patient. Most participants take less than 15 minutes at the event. But the time needed depends on the amount of plastic, and the amount of questions you may have.

4. Because we cannot know how long you will be at the event, please park on the street or across the street from Ablitt's, in the city lot (75 minutes free) and walk over to Ablitt's (14 W Gutierrez St). Ablitt's only has a few parking spots in front that are reserved for dryclean customers. Thank you for your understanding. (AND IF you have too much to carry, please reply to this email for special instructions:)

5. When you arrive, there will be a sign directing you down the driveway to our outdoor courtyard where a friendly volunteer will guide you through the process. DO NOT ENTER THE Ablitt's front office because we have too many recyclers at this time to accommodate inside and the Ablitt's staff may not have the most current recycling information.

6. Be prepared to sort your own plastic, take home any items that are not useable by Trex AND get any questions you may have about our program answered:-)


The hard parts make us better - failure, rejection, closed doors, and red lights


Higher interest rates are affecting remodeling demand, welcome to BERTO, new phone number, and more