Accesory Dwelling Units

Hi all,

A quick update from Kellow Construction.

First things first, thanks to Erin Moriah Designs, our website is finally up. Please check it out at

Since we took the leap and opened our doors in April we have had so much support from the community. Big thank you! We’ve been helping people achieve their construction goals around town. Managing tight timelines, and making their spaces sparkle has kept our clients feeling good, and gets them back in business, and in their homes quickly. We are proud to offer our skills and team to manage projects with efficiency and grace.

We have more great projects on the horizon and are gearing up for a busy completion to summer and fall. In fact, if you know any experienced carpenters or handypeople, please send them our way. We are considering hiring if we can find a great fit (we are picky!). And please keep the referrals coming, and call us if you need help on your building projects.

Now, a bit about ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units)...

We have been fielding a lot of questions regarding ADU's.
ADUs are a great way to build equity in your property, and set up a sustainable long term passive income stream for you and generations to come. In our opinion, the rental market in SB is a great place to park cash and put it to work.

Assembly Bill 68, which passed in 2020, made sweeping changes to how ADUs can be processed in all areas of California. Here is some fun ADU fact and fiction that you might not know. If you or anyone is considering building an ADU please reach out we would love to help you get on the road to building it.

Fiction: I need to provide at least 1 off street parking spot if I build an ADU.
Fact: This is not always the case. There are lots of areas downtown / near public transportation that do not have a parking requirement.

Fiction: My lot is small. It is not big enough to have any form of ADU.
Fact: AB 68 prohibits local governments from enacting ADU ordinances that require lot coverage or minimum lot sizes.

Fiction: Due to set back requirements, there is no way we could put an ADU on our property.
Fact: AB 68 prohibits the requirement of a setback for ADUs within existing structures, and new ADUs located in the same location and footprint as existing structures, and no more than a four-foot side and rear yard setback.

Fiction: It's easier and less cumbersome to have an illegal rental unit on my property which I rent out under the radar, than to deal with the headache of permits and architectural requisites.
Fact: The legal ramifications of illegal rentals is wide reaching. Please consult with your attorney on the loss risk you are exposing yourself to by not having a legal and above board rental.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope you are doing well and enjoying life. Happy trails until we meet again, and please know your referrals are always valued and appreciated!

The Kellow Construction Team

Disclaimer: This marketing is not intended to provide legal or financial advice. Consult with legal professional and financial advisor on all matters first.


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