Why we do what we do, and why we're unique

Hello hello from Kellow Construction,

I have been thinking about the Why lately. Why did we do it? Why did we start a construction company in Santa Barbara? There are so many reasons. I usually write way too much, so I will try and keep this short and sweet.

It started with love. We absolutely love construction. It is our passion, and pretty much all Kiel and I talk about. Occasionally we'll talk about other things, but we have to be intentional and say "let's talk about something else." Construction is kind of where it all began for us, and the love continues.

Santa Barbara has a lot of incredible General Contracting companies. Many have been around for 30/40+ years. We all know who they are. Or maybe you don't, and that's ok too. They have put blood, sweat, and tears into growing what they have. We know because we've had a taste of how much work it takes now ourselves. I grew up with many of these company's children here in town in fact, and it's fun to watch the next generation take them over. What a gift to be able to give one's children: a thriving business in paradise.

When we started our company in Santa Barbara it was honestly intimidating being amongst such budget giants coming from Portland, Oregon. We didn't have someone handing us what we jokingly call a "Golden Hammer," or business that was set up and established. We were building it from the ground up. Which ended up being what has made all the difference, and honestly sets us apart.

We wouldn't have it any other way. It's allowed us to build what we want, the way we want with the team we want.

We did it because we truly saw that there was a need not being filled. As Santa Barbara has grown into one of the 7 wealthiest zip codes in the world(!), a lot of the larger more established companies are busy servicing projects 5 million dollars and above.

Projects with smaller budgets in the $500,000 - $2,000,000 range (our sweet spot) have a very limited amount of quality, efficient, experienced General Contractors to choose from. Many of whom seemed to lack the level of modern organization, leadership, high standards, and ethics that we pride ourselves on at Kellow Construction.

The response we've had to our company has been amazing. We have gotten so much love and support from this incredible community. It honestly warms my heart to really take it in. Having grown up here, and living a block away from the house I grew up in keeps me rooted in what I love about this town. Things change, things grow, it's natural. I love being a part of it in our own way, and helping good people do cool projects. It's pretty much the best.

We're always looking for new topics for our newsletters so if you have anything you'd like to bring to our attention please do. And lastly, make sure to follow us on Instagram if you haven't already!

Thank you for reading and we hope you have a fantastic weekend.



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